The Shirt: Urgent fashion time-out. This shirt looks like Ling stole a basketball ref’s uniform and gave it the Pretty in Pink prom dress treatment. We might need to bench anyone else for attempting the bold, midriff baring tie-top, but on Ling it’s a three-pointer.
The Shades: Framed by her doll-like crop of blunt bangs, Ling’s white-hot owl eyed sunnies have a cartoon-villainess-on-vacation appeal.
The Shorts: A mind-numbing blend of so much and so little: Ling’s high-waisted super-ruched hotpants look like they were the winning result of one of those Project Runway supermarket challenges, wherein the designer selected Glad Bags as their chosen material. Kind of genius.
The Boots: On the wrong stems, and paired with a lamé mini, these spangled platform stiletto ankle boots could go the way of Striptease, but in the scheme of Ling’s ensemble, the shoes tilt high-concept, almost arty.
The Purse: A delightful pop of stop sign red. In case she hasn’t already got your attention.
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